July 19th, 2023
This Week | July 16th - July 22nd
Weekly Prayer
10:00 am - In the Sanctuary
Celebrate Recovery
6:30 pm - In the Sanctuary
Adult Bible Study
6:30 pm - The Big Room at the Church
RIOT Youth Group
6:30 pm- Upstairs at the Church
Weekly Prayer
10:00 am - In the Sanctuary
Celebrate Recovery
6:30 pm - In the Sanctuary
Adult Bible Study
6:30 pm - The Big Room at the Church
RIOT Youth Group
6:30 pm- Upstairs at the Church
- 52 Challenge - Pray and invite someone to church.
- New Lacombe small group study. Emotionally Healthy Relationships. It is part 2 of the study. To sign up text "healthy" to 985-545-5535.
- We have a New Study Regarding the End Times, taught by rev. Newfield Sundays @ 9:30am. Jesus tells us what signs we’ll see before he returns, when is the rapture, when does the antichrist take over the world, and when is the battle of Armageddon
- Ladies Retreat is scheduled for October 12-14th. Text “Beach” to 985-545-5535 to sign up
- Back to School Bash is July 30th. We will be having pizza, games, haircuts, also we will be collecting school supplies for foster kids.
- Baptism - July 30th. Text "water" to 985-545-5535 to sign up.
- Ladies Brunch - Saturday, August 5th at 10am in the big room at the church.
- Men's Breakfast - Saturday, August 19th at 8am in the big room at the church.

Posted in Church Bulletins
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