January 8th, 2023
This Week | January 8th - January 14th
Night of Prayer
6:00pm-7:00pm in the Sanctuary
Weekly Prayer
10:00 am - In the Sanctuary
Celebrate Recovery
6:30 pm - In the Sanctuary
Adult Bible Study
6:30 pm - The Big Room at the Church
RIOT Youth Group
6:30 pm- Upstairs at the Church
JBQ ( Junior Bible Quiz)
6:30pm- Upstairs in Kids Church
Night of Prayer
6:00pm-7:00pm in the Sanctuary
Weekly Prayer
10:00 am - In the Sanctuary
Celebrate Recovery
6:30 pm - In the Sanctuary
Adult Bible Study
6:30 pm - The Big Room at the Church
RIOT Youth Group
6:30 pm- Upstairs at the Church
JBQ ( Junior Bible Quiz)
6:30pm- Upstairs in Kids Church

- Worship/Testimony Night- January 15th, at 6:00pm in the sanctuary. As we begin a new year, it is important for us to come together and seek God's guidance and direction for the years ahead. We hope to see you there as we seek the Lord together and kick off the new year with a heart of worship.
- Men's Breakfast- November 21st, at 8:00am in the Big Room at the church. Join our men's ministry as we fellowship and spend time in the Word. As Proverbs 27:17 says, "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another."
- Winter Social and Baptism- January 29th. This will be a great opportunity for us to come together, fellowship, and celebrate the new life that comes through baptism. To sign up to bring a dish, please text "winter" to 985-545-5535. Also, If you would like to be baptized, please contact Amanda, our church administrator at amanda@ilovecornerstone / 985-624-8652 or sign up at the Welcome Center.
Posted in Church Bulletins
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